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St Columban's Primary School Enniskillen

Physical Development & Movement / Physical Education

Children enter primary school having had a range of movement experiences in the home, pre-school setting and the local community. They will have developed skills of control, co-ordination and manipulation and will have some awareness of space. The development of the fundamental movement skills needs to be nurtured, not only because they are important for the child’s long-term health and well-being, but because they support the child’s physical development.

Physical Development and Movement is about experiencing and developing a range of fundamental movement skills that will improve co-ordination, locomotion, control, balance, and manipulation. In addition, physical development helps children gain confidence and self-esteem and enables them to feel the benefits of being healthy and active.


Physical Education at Key Stage 1 and 2

Physical Education in the curriculum provides the opportunity for specific attention to be given to the physical development, health and well-being of children.