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St Columban's Primary School Enniskillen


2019/2020 School Year

31st May 2020
During May the children in P2 & P3 were remembering Our Lady. Some of the children...
28th May 2020
Thank-you so much to all the P4/5s who have sent in photos of what the activities...
22nd May 2020
Well done to the boys and girls in P3 who have been so busy with their studies but...
21st May 2020
Sadie has been busy helping Mummy weigh out ingredients to bake scones,...
17th May 2020
The boys and girls have been very busy in P4/5 completing various tasks at home....
15th May 2020
Primary one have been busy out and about gathering natural materials.  Look...
15th May 2020
Great writing ✍️ in P2 & P3. Delighted to see you all keeping up the great...
15th May 2020
Well done to the boys and girls enjoying gardening. You will enjoy the work in...
15th May 2020
Congratulations to Oisin who has caught his first trout. The first of many Oisin,...
15th May 2020
Great to see the variety of Sport activities going on at home. You all deserve...