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St Columban's Primary School Enniskillen

Journey to Santa Challenge!

19th Dec 2017

Over the past 2 weeks some pupils and parents have taken up the 'Journey to Santa' challenge as part of our ongoing pariticpation in the Sustrans 'Active School Travel' programme. As part of the 'Journey to Santa' challenge, pupils were encouraged to travel actively to school each day. If a pupil successfully collected 15 signatures from their teacher, over the duration of the 2 weeks, then they were entered into the grand prize draw run by Sustrans. In St Columban's we had 28 pupils who successfully completed the challenge. These boys' and girls' names were entered into the draw of nearly 500 pupils from 12 different schools, who also participated in the challenge and....St Columban's had the WINNER!! Congratulations to Shay in P3 who won a brand new scooter and also a massive congratulations to everyone who participated in this initiative- Keep up the great active travelling to school!

Thank-you to Ann-Marie from Sustrans who made a special visit to school to deliver and present the winner with his prize

As there was such great effort from the boys and girls in the 'Journey to Santa' challenge, we also had a draw in school to select 2 participants to receive Selection boxes! Well done to these pupils!